Who we are

The John Muir Elementary PTA is a volunteer group of families, teachers, and staff who support and celebrate the success, diversity, well-being, and equitable opportunity of all students at John Muir Elementary. We serve as a liaison between families and advocate for all students, sponsor fun events, and provide financial support to classrooms.

What we do

The PTA raises funds to support our school community in a variety of ways, including:

  • Providing school supplies for all students

  • Welcoming Black Men United to Change the Narrative

  • Offering student funding support for field trips

  • Supplementing enrichment and after-school tutoring

  • Organizing community conversations about race and social justice

  • Providing funding for music and arts programming

  • Tending an expansive classroom gardening program

  • Providing $10 for each student to use at the Book Fair

  • Planning a staff and teacher appreciation week

  • Partnering with OneAmerica for “Know Your Rights Training” for our undocumented and immigrant families

  • Gifting grants to teachers for supplemental projects

  • Supporting community-building events: Multicultural Night, the School Dance and Walk-a-thon


We are proud to celebrate the many assets that our dual-language speaking families bring. These languages include: Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese, Amharic, Oromo, French, Soninke, Tagalog, Arabic, Chinese, and more.